Day 22 – the last week has begun…

So it is the first day of the last week already gone!
I got up early – I was really tempted to have a lie in, but I resisted πŸ˜‰ I have to admit though, that it was partly due to my IBS kicking in this morning :/ I have no idea what had triggered it, it felt like as if I had had a glass of milk – which I obviously didn’t! I had to visit the bathroom two more times after breakfast, then it was gone! Odd… But it was a good start to my daily routine plan πŸ™‚
After a bad start the day just got better. I made a prawn pad thai stir fry for lunch – only 310 kcal πŸ™‚ it was yummy! Practiced German almost all day, while relaxing (days off work always go by really quickly). Ich habe mich sehr viele YouTube videos angeschaut :).
In the evening I went to the gym – I finally managed to get to Erika’s classes! 30 min aerobics and 30 min spinning – I was exhausted by the end but I loved it so much! And I’ve never done this well before! On the fast track at aerobics I only missed a few repetitions – almost made it all the way through! I remember my first aerobics class with Erika – I couldn’t do even half of the fast track. I did a few jumping jacks and skiing, but I was unable to do any of the burpees – that was about 3 months ago. A few more classes and I will be able to do all repetitions πŸ˜‰ I’m just hoping I can make it to these classes – stupid inconsistent work pattern…
And spinning! It was so much fun watching those (typical going-to-pub-after-gym and never-done-cardio-classes-ever) guys being out of breath by the end haha :). To be honest there was a point where I was almost crying – both from pain and joy, because I actually managed to do it even after being tired from aerobics πŸ˜‰ I felt exhilarated by my personal success – better joy than any kind of food can give you!
Thank you Erika, it was an amazing workout tonight! Looking forward to Wednesday πŸ˜‰

It is already the end of day 4!

Time goes unbelievably quickly! More than halfway through the first week and I’ve hit my protein goal again today, I’ve already lost half a kilo, enjoyed my workouts and was slowly getting stronger after my illness. I think I will definitely be able to return to my favourite gym classless πŸ™‚ not to the evening ones tho, because I will be working evenings next week again :/
I’m feeling great πŸ™‚ can’t wait to break the magic 70 kg line… Oh I can’t even believe the last time I was below 70 kg! But I will be there soon πŸ˜‰